Welcome To The Award Winners!

Hall Of Fame5272

This is where all the people who won my awards gets listed here! If i didn't list you here let me know

Cute Award


Great site award


Super Award


Thank you award


Great Layout


Cute Layout


Thanks for visiting the wild world of chao award



Aniversery contest

It's the wild world of chao's 2nd aniversery and i'm holding a contest for it and i have 2 contest of them each you'll win great prizes and graphics from the one and only plus sprites of you! Here we go!


1. You can apply for each one

2. you can't submit twice on each contest

3. You can add effects on your pictures for the contest

4. don't make your pictures HUGE!!!

5. you can only use chao sorry guys but this is a chao site so i want a contest with chao in it if you can't find any pictures i have them here and the little chao animations you can use or you can draw them practise makes perfect ^.^

1st aniversery contest

In his there are 2 contests one is a enter and hiatus sign contest( you can pick either one) and second is a animation contest and it has to do with TWWOC and you can use my pictures for the animation one. The rules is like the instructions for the contests so follow them and you'll understand


Lina's enter sign

2nd aniversery

This one is kinda hard ones ^.^; for this one is a gift contest just make me a gift remember you can use special effects and second is a sprite contest if your good at making sprite characters and other things with effects then this will be easy for you it has to be either chao or Sonic related! (meaning sonic characters and chao)


Lina's gift

Tom's birthday gift to me

Contest Winners

Button contest
