Welcome To My Recipes And My Quizs!

Recipes and Quizs! 26302

Hi welcome this is where you can use my quizs and you can try these i got these recipes from surprise! ^.^


Blue and green baby

To get this chao mate a neutral normal with a neutral normal i think and the baby will come out like a neutral but only a child to make this chao cool looking make it a neutral power what will he look like? i have one and he's a neutral power he's really cool looking!

Baby sonic chao

To get this little guy you have to mate a shiny chao in any color with a blue chao it won't work cause the baby will come out instead shiny blue but how i got one was i mated my shiny blue green chao with a blue chao the baby came out shiny blue and black he looks cool make him a neutral running type.

Full egg chao

To get this one get a colored chao make sure it has a normal face no happy or sad face just a regular face now give it a skeleton dog once and make it put on an egg crak a colored egg crak then raise it any type you want but listen carefully when it evolves make sure when it comes out it's whole body will become an egg if it doesn't here's a better idea when it starts to evolve save chao world and go back to chao world with the same character you used before and then when it starts to evolve try and look inside the cocoon if it's right CONGRATULATIONS! Celebrate and be happy!

Shiny invisible colored chao

To get this one you need to mate a shiny colored chao with a black chao but how i got this i mated my shiny dark swimming running chao(skipper) with my black chao named blacky and the baby might come out shiny invisible and colored you might see the yellow tints on it!

Shiny white chao

I got this by using my shiny grey chao with my white chao and the baby came out shiny white i named him zip ^_^

Shiny grey chao

I forgot how i got her but i think i mated with a grey chao with a shiny colored chao of something (can't...remem...ber >_< really)

Black and red chao

This sounds weird but i also forgot how i got this chao mine's name is darky he's a neutral swimming and he has mad eyes and a dizzy mouth.

Shiny blitz chao

I got this chao on 10/22/03 to get this i think you have to mate a shiny white chao with a colored chao i have one he has a normal face (^.^)

Invisible chao

Mate a jewel chao (any color) with a shiny chao (any color) if you keep trying it'll become invisible but how i got it i mated my chao named emmy a gold chao (in sonic adventure 2 battle) and my shiny white chao zip and then what popped out was an invisible chao.

Colored-Black chao mixed

To get this one mate a colored chao (Blue and yellow chao) anytype hero or dark or neutral and a black chao then the baby should come out like a colored chao but only darker! ^.^

Greenish-Yellow Chao

Mate a shiny normal and a pink chao which makes this chao he's greenish with yellow parts (i think i'm not sure though i have to check)

Shiny Clear Transparent Normal Chao

Mate a shiny normal chao and a black chao and this chao is transparent (see through) and just a regular chao same color blue and yellow parts!

Shiny Dark Blitz Chao

Mate a transparent chao and a white chao and this will look like a blitz chao but more darker and shiny!

 Dark Blitz Chao

Mate a brown chao and a gold chao from tiny chao garden and you'll get a blitz chao only darker.

Shiny Purple Chao

Mate a shiny blue and black chao (A.K.A. Shiny Sonic Chao) with a purple chao the baby will come out shiny purple just like one of the chao rangers in the Challenge Race ^_^!

Shiny Normal Chao or Monotone Chao

This chao i couldn't tell but mate a shiny normal chao with a shiny monotone chao and will come out as either one i'm not sure though!

More coming soon!

Let's see how you know your chao if you got all of them right you'll win this

Here's the quiz

1.How do you get a ram chao?
2.Which chao is the fastest sonic or shadow?
3.Is there a such thing as a amy chao,knuckles chao,tails chao?
4.Is there a chaos,angel,devil chao?
5.Can you get a chemical chao?
6.Can you get a E-102 chao?
7.Who's the best flying chao a tails chao or a nights chao?

Answers these questions and email me at mychao4679@yahoo.com so i can check your answers if you got them all right you get the award if not you cannot try it again when you lost the first time if you won the first time you get the award but if you win the first time and you tried it again you won't get the award but you can try one the next day got that?

Quizzes i took!

What San-X Character Are You?

What Magical Girl Are You?

What Inuyasha Villain Are You?

Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?

What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?

What DragonBall Girl Are You?

Take the word quiz

Take the Japanese word quiz!
take the guardian quiz

Take the CCS Guardian quiz!
Take the anime accessory quiz

Take the Anime Accessory quiz!

I am a GUMMIE!
I Follow my Spirit

You are Hanasaki Momoko

You are enthusiastic about helping your family and love to hang out with your friends. You tend to be boy crazy and love to go shopping. You are always ready to lend a hand for your friends. Often, you try too hard to help those who don't want it. Though you compete with your friends, you usually end up settling things best for everyone.

Take" the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz Knowing everybody is being full of love...
You are everybody's friend!!! Yay!!! You like
talking to thousand of people...you're friendly
and always up to a party!!!

What kind of friend are you?(anime pics)

brought to you by Quizilla Light
Your element is Light: Innocent, beautiful,
kind-hearted and pure. You are so sweet your
almost angelic! You find joy in others
happiness and cannot stand to see anyone in
pain. You want to make everyone around you feel
good about themselves and if someone is upset
you can tend to become rather upset as well
which means you are sympathetic and raise
others above yourself. Being as kind and
good-natured as you are people have most likely
hurt you in the past but you pick yourself up
every time. You may look fragile but you are
stronger then most tend to see. Life is
beautiful no matter how you look at it and you
understand that people make mistakes. Not
everyone is perfect. You try to see the good in
the bad which is a talent few posses. Dont ever
let anyone change you. You truly have a
beautiful soul inside and a heart of gold.

.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-

brought to you by QuizillaYou are Yellow
What color are you? (Anime Pictures)

brought to you by Quizilla

Your Hidden Power Is Light

You have a happy yes quite soul. You keep
somethings to yourself and like to be alone but
don't mind showing your bright side to your
friends. You find that hell is the worst of all
scince your an angl from heavan. You use your
powers for the forces of good to protect gods

Gem Stone: Canary Diamond, Eye
Golden,Hair Color:Blonde that
goes to your shoulders

Quote:In my field of paper flowers And candy clouds of lulaby I lie inside myself for hours And watch my purple sky fly over me

What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::.
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Your anime hair color is pink.

What is your anime hair color?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your weapon is a Fan!
Chinese Fan! Beautiful and dangerous in one! Don't
laugh. The pretty, metall fan was also a
dangerous weapon in old China. If someone know
how to use it, it's a leatal weapon!

What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla
You are soooo LOVABLE!
Waaah! You're so LOVABLE! Everybody likes you,
because you're a great person to have around
and it's always happy about everything ^^.
congrats! and...can I hug you?? plz! ^///^

Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!) NEW outcome!!
brought to you by Quizilla

What is your anime occupation? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Which FLCL Character Are You ?

brought to you by Quizilla
You can be a bit immature, but you'll always be there for your friends!
You're Little Busters!
You can be a bit
immature, but you'll always be there for your

Which FLCL (Fooly Cooly, Furi Kuri) Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Fans and Pros from SSMB These are NOT mine!

Have fun!