Good site with good information. Excellent site! ok site. Also a not much site could use more information Also a excellent site! Super site with tons of information! If you have sonic adventure 2 go here it has tons of information! Doesn't have much information A great site for chao fans to talk about chao Needs a little more information even though it has some information
Great to check how to raise chao and put chao wallpapers on your site A chao fanlisting! A chao site that has lots of rare recipes! You can adopt your very own chao but put it on your own server cause when i used the HTML code it didn't work. So-So site could use a little more information about chao. Not much of a chao site but you can make this chao called a sakura chao not the girl from cardcaptors(If you know what i mean) a different kind i seen a picture of one it's very cute and easy to get. A site with every sonic and chao related pictures for your needs.